Friday, January 25, 2013

Some things are still the same

I was reading through my writings and journals this afternoon and came across this blog post I wrote at the begining of my freshman year of college. In order to get ever ounce of experience from this journey I have adopted the same general attitude presented in this post for my study abroad here in Copenhagen. I hope you find that my writing from three years ago is as a fine wine... well aged.

“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
This short Gandhi saying is on my door, I see it every time I leave my dorm room. Among many things it is simple, inspirational but most importantly, wise. As I begin my college experience this saying acquires new meaning. It reminds me that life is an experience where people should embrace every opportunity they are given. From frat parties to all night study sessions, college students are provided with a multitude of chances to explore not only who we are, but also our aspirations for the future. In turn we are expected to experience all that we can so that as we go through our college years we become well-rounded citizens of this world.  Therefore, life is all about the journey. Its end result is simply to leave a mark on the world and hopefully make it a better place.  At this point you readers are probably thinking “this is optimistic bull” and maybe it is but I am an optimist at heart so bear with me.
 I came to college not knowing what to expect, living with other people and being entirely responsible for my life was new for me. As was having drunken guys waking me up at 2 in the morning, writing 700 word journals for a first year seminar, and getting sick the first week of school. Possibly the most difficult aspect of college life so far has been adapting to a new climate of thinking, or community of knowers.  Transitioning from an area where I know my way around the town and the people around me to an entirely unfamiliar environment has caused me to adapt and change to the climate around me.  Keeping my door and mind open are necessary ways to meet new people and learn new things.  For now I will continue to observe, make friends, do my homework and live my life to the fullest extent of my abilities. So if you are reading this know that the purpose of life is to take advantage of every chance you have and run with it.

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Adventures in an Old City

Jan 15
I cannot say my travel to Europe was uneventful, after losing (then finding) my passport in the attempt to go through customs in lovely London, having a mini heart-attack thinking my bags got lost, finding out that they'd changed the carousel number, and waiting with some new friends for a taxi big enough for both us and our bags, I finally arrived at my housing in Copenhagen.

The first thing one learns here is how truly COLD it is in the middle of winter and how quickly that cold spreads through your body (unless of course you have an amazingly warm, fur lined coat from your more amazing Mom). In spite of this frigid reception, I have been touring around the city, meeting my fellow students, and learning how to not get lost on the winding streets.
 I've been relatively successful at this endeavor in the just over 24 hrs after my arrival and have already found my way back from the town center via the trains. Fortunately, I've avoided the plague known commonly as jet lag thanks to an AMAZING new home on Tasingegade (not quite pronounced how you think it is). The biggest challenge I've faced thus far has been understanding Danish, they have a few extra vowels and some strange sounds (de = el sound).

Jan 21

After about a week of being here I am beginning to appreiceate the emerging nuances of life in Denmark. Like candles. The danish have a concept of a perfect, cozy atmosphere where people gather and have fun called hygge (prounounced similarly to huge but without the e sound at the end). Fortunately I have been able to tap into this with some of my new friends and fellow students through group dinners, explorations and sorites to a nice (but expensive) neighborhood pub.

Furthermore, I have become considerably more at home with the bus system and am well on my way to knowing were I am in the city at a given point, provided I'm able to see some of the more notable spires of the Copenhagen skyline. For example the Marble Church which is the closest Lutheran (no, NOT Catholic) church to their majesty's royal residence.

 It's been about a week here and I'm already getting a strong feeling that Europe it's fantastic cities like Copenhagen are destined to be my future home. As I stated before, I will try to keep a regular schedule of updates for this travel blog but please be patient :) Thanks for reading and feel free to comment with any questions about what I've been up to on my adventure. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Study Abroad

Hey folks,
For the next few months I will be studying abroad in Copenhagen.  I will, to the best of my abilities, keep y'all informed as to my adventures whilst there. I hope you, my readers will enjoy what pictures and stories I share here. Thanks for reading, see ya on the other side of The Pond.