Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I know it's been two weeks since I last posted but unfortunately I had nothing happen in my life that truly stimulated my curiosity. Therefore I will simply wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Happy New Year!

P.s. I successfully made a holiday dinner for my family and they loved the presents I got them. Hope you readers had a fantastic holiday!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So to make up for the "prepackaged" post this weekend I figured I'd treat those who read and hopefully follow this blog to a bit of my poetry. Hope you enjoy

Life requires air, as does sanity
Old stories of sailors caught in doldrums,
driven insane
For want of a breath from any of the four winds.
Seemingly directionless, but purposed all the same.
The simple movement of air can change the course of history
or return life to a wasteland
It is an oft occurring miracle, not religious, no.
But awe inspiring just the same.
For without it, everything would wither to dust.
Such power of creation and destruction all in one,
It's a wonder we don't revere it more.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Note: I did not write this, I am simply sharing it

taken from "Laws, Gods, and Heros" and dedicated to college students everywhere this finals season

"And it came to pass,
Early in the morning toward the last day of the semester,
There arose a great multitude smiting the books and wailing
And there was much weeing and gnashing of teeth
For the day of judgment was at hand
And they were sore afraid, for they had left undone
Those things which they ought to have done,
And they had done 
Those things which they ought not to have done
And there was no help for it.
And there were many abiding in the dorm
Who had kept watch over their books by night,
But it had availed them naught.
But some there were who arose peacefully,
For they had prepared themselves the way
And made straight paths of knowledge.
And these were known 
As wise burners of the midnight oil.
But to others they were known as "curve raisers"
And other things not fit even for unclean ears.
And the multitude arose
And ate a hearty breakfast
And they came unto the appointed place
And their hearts were heavy within them.
And they had come to pass,
But some to pass out.
And some of them
Repented of their riotous living and bemoaned thier fate,
But they had not a prayer.
And at the last hour there came among them 
One known as the instructor; and they feared exceedingly.
He was of the diabolical smile.
And he passed papers among them and went his way.
And many and varied 
Were the answers that were given,
For some of his teachings had fallen among firtile minds,
While others had fallen flat.
And some there were who wrote for one hour,
Others for two.
But some were turned away sorrowfully, and many of these
Offered up a little bull
In hopes of pacifying the instructor.
And these were the ones who had not a prayer.
And when they finished
They gathered up their belongings
And went thier way quietly, each in his own direction,
And each one vowing unto himself in this manner,
'I shall not pass this way again'"